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User management in ThinkOut

See how to invite users and manage their permissions in ThinkOut.

Sorina Miron avatar
Written by Sorina Miron
Updated over 3 years ago

Invite your team to ThinkOut and let them help you. You can use separate roles and access rights for multiple companies and single companies as well.

In ThinkOut you offer access to your account on 2 different levels:

  • account level

  • company level

In other words, every single invited user will have one role in your ThinkOut account and one role in your company/companies which you manage in your account. In My Account -> Team you manage the roles per account and in Settings -> Users you visualise roles per company.

Once again, the Team is managed on a macro level, per ThinkOut account, while the Users are managed on a lower level, per company profile. For each new member invited you'll have to select a macro level role, per account and one per company profile.

The management of the team and roles is done in My Account -> Team. Access this section whenever you need to invite a new member to your ThinkOut account.


This is the section where you'll find all the invited members, no matter the number of the companies or roles.

In order to invite a new member click Invite User and fill in the details.

The available team roles are:

Administrator (Level 1): This is the person who created the ThinkOut account. There is just one administrator so you cannot give this role to anyone else. The administrator has access to all companies and members invited and can do anything in the platform. The administrator is the only person who can buy a ThinkOut subscription.

Manager (Level 2): This is the next role right after the administrator, so this person has the same access level, minus the possibility to buy a ThinkOut subscription. The manager has access to create companies and invite new members. All managers have, by default, edit access to all companies created in ThinkOut.

Member (Level 3): This person is a member of your team, but does not have acces to create new companies or invite new users. For members you can grant different access rights per each company you have in ThinkOut. Members do not have view rights for all companies, unless you want this.


Users are organised separately for each company profile that you have created in your ThinkOut account. You can visualise all roles per each separate company from Settings -> Users.

For each new member you can grant a different access:

Edit access - On the company profile that the user has edit access he can perform all actions, including connecting bank accounts, creating cash accounts, adding transactions/predictions/forecasts.

View access - On the company profile that the user has view access he can only see all available data, without doing anything.

No access - The member cannot see or do anything on a company profile.

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